
2052 days ago by hogben

# This worksheet contains Sage code used to find Distance Laplacian copsectral graphs # that appear in the paper # Graphs that are cospectral for the distance Laplacian # by Boris Brimkov, Ken Duna, Leslie Hogben, Kate Lorenzen, Carolyn Reinhart, # Sung-Yell Song, and Mark Yarrow 
################################ # Definitions of Sage functions ################################ 
def dL(G): nn=G.order() m=G.distance_matrix() J=ones_matrix(QQ, nn, 1) J=m*J for i in range(nn): m[i,i]=-J[i,0] return -m 
################################ # Search for small D^L copsectral graphs ################################ 
# Naive search is used for orders <= 8. # None were found below order 7 
# Order 6 
L=[] for G in graphs.cospectral_graphs(6, matrix_function=dL, graphs=lambda g: g.is_connected()): L.append([i.graph6_string() for i in G]) 
file1=open("cospec6vert.txt", "w"); for i in range(len(L)): file1.writelines(L[i]) file1.writelines("\r\n") file1.close() 
# Order 7 
L=[] for G in graphs.cospectral_graphs(7, matrix_function=dL, graphs=lambda g: g.is_connected()): L.append([i.graph6_string() for i in G]) 
file1=open("cospec7vert.txt", "w"); for i in range(len(L)): file1.writelines(L[i]) file1.writelines("\r\n") file1.close() 
# Order 8 
L=[] for G in graphs.cospectral_graphs(8, matrix_function=dL, graphs=lambda g: g.is_connected()): L.append([i.graph6_string() for i in G]) 
file1=open("cospec8vert.txt", "w"); for i in range(len(L)): file1.writelines(L[i]) file1.writelines("\r\n") file1.close() 
# Order 9 
# For higher orders we used a more sophisticated method. # It sorts all the graphs first by their characteristic polynomial evaluated by a number # and then mod-ed out by another number. 
# Order 9 
Kates_Num = 545 Kens_Prime = 1223 Num_Vertices = 9 L = [] for i in range(Kens_Prime): L.append([i,[]]) for G in graphs(Num_Vertices): if G.is_connected(): a = mod(distLapla(G).charpoly()(Kates_Num), Kens_Prime) L[a][1].append(G.graph6_string()) N=[] for i in range(Kens_Prime): M=[] for j in range(len(L[i][1])): G=Graph(L[i][1][j]) M.append(G) for G in graphs.cospectral_graphs(Num_Vertices, matrix_function=dL, graphs = M): N.append([j.graph6_string() for j in G]) 
file1=open("cospec9vert.txt", "w"); for i in range(len(N)): file1.writelines(N[i]) file1.writelines("\r\n") file1.close() 
# Order 10 
Kates_Num = 545 Kens_Prime = 1223 Num_Vertices = 10 L = [] for i in range(Kens_Prime): L.append([i,[]]) for G in graphs(Num_Vertices): if G.is_connected(): a = mod(distLapla(G).charpoly()(Kates_Num), Kens_Prime) L[a][1].append(G.graph6_string()) N=[] for i in range(Kens_Prime): M=[] for j in range(len(L[i][1])): G=Graph(L[i][1][j]) M.append(G) for G in graphs.cospectral_graphs(Num_Vertices, matrix_function=dL, graphs = M): N.append([j.graph6_string() for j in G]) 
file1=open("cospec10vert.txt", "w"); for i in range(len(N)): file1.writelines(N[i]) file1.writelines("\r\n") file1.close() 
################################ # Search for circulant cospectral pairs (Table 4.1) ################################ 
def Circulant_Database(n, tracker = False): db = [] i = 0 j = 0 connection_sets = Combinations(range(1,floor(n/2)+1)) s = connection_sets.cardinality() for C in connection_sets: i += 1 if tracker == True: if round(i/s*10) > j: print (j+1)*10, '% of database compilation complete' j += 1 G = graphs.CirculantGraph(n,C) if G.is_connected(): add = 1 for H in db: if G.is_isomorphic(H): add = 0 break if add == 1: db.append(G) return db 
file1=open("Circulant_Cospectral_Pairs.txt", "w"); empty = [] for i in range(16,31): circs = Circulant_Database(i) stuff = graphs.cospectral_graphs(i, matrix_function = dL, graphs = circs) if len(stuff) == 0: empty.append(i) else: file1.writelines("Cospectral Circulants on %d vertices:" % i) file1.writelines("\r\n") for foo in stuff: file1.writelines(str(foo[0]) + ' and ' + str(foo[1])) file1.writelines("\r\n") file1.writelines("\r\n") print "%d vertices done!" % i emptstr = "" for foo in empty: emptstr = emptstr + str(foo) + ", " file1.writelines(emptstr[:-2] + " vertices have no pairs!") file1.close() 
16 vertices done!
17 vertices done!
18 vertices done!
19 vertices done!
20 vertices done!
21 vertices done!
22 vertices done!
23 vertices done!
Traceback (click to the left of this block for traceback)
16 vertices done!
17 vertices done!
18 vertices done!
19 vertices done!
20 vertices done!
21 vertices done!
22 vertices done!
23 vertices done!
Traceback (most recent call last):            empty.append(i)
  File "", line 1, in <module>
  File "/tmp/tmpkYIjHi/", line 7, in <module>
    stuff = graphs.cospectral_graphs(i, matrix_function = dL, graphs = circs)
  File "/home/sage/build/sage-8.1/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/sage/graphs/", line 1006, in cospectral_graphs
  File "sage/matrix/matrix_integer_dense.pyx", line 1256, in sage.matrix.matrix_integer_dense.Matrix_integer_dense.charpoly (build/cythonized/sage/matrix/matrix_integer_dense.c:12615)
  File "src/cysignals/signals.pyx", line 94, in cysignals.signals.sig_raise_exception