
441 days ago by hogben

#################################### # This Sage worksheet is written by Aida Abiad, Leonardo de Lima, Krystal Guo, and Leslie Hogben hogben@aimath.org # This worksheet contains computations for the paper # Positive and Negative Square Energies of Graphs # by # A. Abiad, L. de Lima, D.N. Desai, K. Guo, L. Hogben, and J. Madrid # # The order of the cells is # Function Cell (must be run first) # Graph for Figure 3.2 # Computation for Propostion 3.9 # Data for Table 4.1 # Data fpr Table 4.2 # Reminder: To run computations, you must first enter the Functions Cell (the first cell after this one) # Then within each topic you must enter the cells in order. ################################### 
# Functions Cell import scipy from scipy import linalg def getSplusSminus(g): evs, _ = linalg.eigh(g.am()) splus = 0 sminus = 0 for it in evs: if it >0: splus = splus + it^2 if it<0: sminus = sminus + it^2 return splus, sminus # check for all nonbipartite unicylic graphs (nonbip) on n vertices # outputs: number of graphs # [max s^+ , [list of all graphs attaining that s^+]] # [min s^+ , [list of all graphs attaining that s^+]] # [max s^- , [list of all graphs attaining that s^-]] # [min s^- , [list of all graphs attaining that s^-]] def getSplusSminusUnicyclicMaxMin(n): opties = str(n) + " " + str(n) + " -c" g = graphs.nauty_geng(opties) splu = {} smin = {} numgs = 0 for G in g: curr = G.graph6_string() if not G.is_bipartite(): numgs = numgs +1 nowp, nowm = getSplusSminus(G) if round(nowp, 6) in splu.keys(): splu[round(nowp, 6)].append(curr) else: splu[round(nowp, 6)] = [curr] if round(nowm, 6) in smin.keys(): smin[round(nowm, 6)].append(curr) else: smin[round(nowm, 6)] = [curr] kp = list(splu.keys()) km = list(smin.keys()) kp.sort() km.sort() Pmin = kp[0] Pmax = kp[-1] Mmin = km[0] Mmax = km[-1] return numgs, [Pmax, splu[Pmax]], [Pmin, splu[Pmin]], [Mmax, smin[Mmax]], [Mmin, smin[Mmin]] # for each n, obtains statistics on s^+, s^- and which is bigger # input: nn the number of vertices (only up to 9) # output: number of connected graphs # number of bipartite graphs # number of graphs where s^+ > s^- # number of graphs where s^- > s^+ def SplusMinusStats(nn): opties = str(nn) + " -c" g = graphs.nauty_geng(opties) numgs = 0 numbip = 0 pgm = 0 mgp = 0 for G in g: numgs = numgs +1 if G.is_bipartite(): numbip = numbip + 1 else: sp, sm = getSplusSminus(G) if sp > sm: pgm = pgm + 1 elif sm > sp: mgp = mgp + 1 return numgs, numbip, pgm, mgp 
# Example 2.6 g=Graph('H~{}Nv|') show(g) spG,smG=getSplusSminus(g) 
ge=g.copy() ge.delete_edge([5,6]) show(ge) spGe,smGe=getSplusSminus(ge) print 'Positive Energy of G: ',spG print 'Positive Energy of G-e: ',spGe print 's^+(G-1) - s^+(G):', spGe-spG 
Positive Energy of G:  44.8424707858
Positive Energy of G-e:  44.8475921409
s^+(G-1) - s^+(G): 0.00512135504776
Positive Energy of G:  44.8424707858
Positive Energy of G-e:  44.8475921409
s^+(G-1) - s^+(G): 0.00512135504776
# Plotting the graph in Figure 3.2 
plot(pi/(2*arccos((x-1)/(x+1))) - 1/2, (0,100)) 
# Verify eigenvalues of H^3_5 for Proposition 3.9 
h35=Graph({0:[1],2:[0,1,3],3:[4]}) show(h35) a=h35.adjacency_matrix() a.eigenvalues() 
[1, -1, -1.675130870566646?, -0.5391888728108891?, 2.214319743377535?]
[1, -1, -1.675130870566646?, -0.5391888728108891?, 2.214319743377535?]
# Generate Table 4.1, in format sutiable for copy/paste into latex (hence the inclusion of "&") # The order of the entries is n, # number graphs, number s^+> s-, number s-^> s^+, % s^- > s+, number bipartite, number s^+=s^- 
for k in [2..8]: stats=SplusMinusStats(k) perc=numerical_approx(stats[3]/stats[0]*100,digits=6) print k, "&",stats[0],"&", stats[2],"&", stats[3],"&", perc,"&", stats[1],"&", stats[0]-stats[2]-stats[3] 
2 & 1 & 0 & 0 & 0.000000 & 1 & 1
3 & 2 & 1 & 0 & 0.000000 & 1 & 1
4 & 6 & 3 & 0 & 0.000000 & 3 & 3
5 & 21 & 15 & 1 & 4.76190 & 5 & 5
6 & 112 & 93 & 2 & 1.78571 & 17 & 17
7 & 853 & 795 & 14 & 1.64127 & 44 & 44
8 & 11117 & 10848 & 87 & 0.782585 & 182 & 182
2 & 1 & 0 & 0 & 0.000000 & 1 & 1
3 & 2 & 1 & 0 & 0.000000 & 1 & 1
4 & 6 & 3 & 0 & 0.000000 & 3 & 3
5 & 21 & 15 & 1 & 4.76190 & 5 & 5
6 & 112 & 93 & 2 & 1.78571 & 17 & 17
7 & 853 & 795 & 14 & 1.64127 & 44 & 44
8 & 11117 & 10848 & 87 & 0.782585 & 182 & 182
# Generate data for Table 4.2, including documenting the graphs 
# lists of number of graphs, min s^+, min s^- for order = 3,...,18 ng=[0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0] spmin=[0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0] smmin=[0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0] 
for nn in [3..10]: data=getSplusSminusUnicyclicMaxMin(nn) ng[nn-3]=data[0] spmin[nn-3]=data[2][0] smmin[nn-3]=data[4][0] print nn, "***************************************" print data gspmin=Graph(data[2][1][0]) gsmmin=Graph(data[4][1][0]) show(gspmin) show(gsmmin) 
3 ***************************************
(1, [4.0, ['Bw']], [4.0, ['Bw']], [2.0, ['Bw']], [2.0, ['Bw']])
4 ***************************************
(1, [4.806063, ['CV']], [4.806063, ['CV']], [3.193937, ['CV']],
[3.193937, ['CV']])
5 ***************************************
(4, [5.903212, ['DQw']], [4.763932, ['DUW']], [5.236068, ['DUW']],
[4.096788, ['DQw']])
6 ***************************************
(8, [6.926792, ['ECYW']], [5.8548, ['ECpo']], [6.1452, ['ECpo']],
[5.073208, ['ECYW']])
7 ***************************************
(23, [7.939657, ['F?aN_']], [6.797054, ['FCQb_']], [7.202946,
['FCQb_']], [6.060343, ['F?aN_']])
8 ***************************************
(55, [8.948095, ['G?ACNo']], [7.786641, ['G?b@aS']], [8.213359,
['G?b@aS']], [7.051905, ['G?ACNo']])
9 ***************************************
(155, [9.954171, ['H??CCF{']], [8.78153, ['H?AEAIw']], [9.21847,
['H?AEAIw']], [8.045829, ['H??CCF{']])
10 ***************************************
(403, [10.958804, ['I???CA@~_']], [9.778404, ['I??CE@An?']], [10.221596,
['I??CE@An?']], [9.041196, ['I???CA@~_']])
3 ***************************************
(1, [4.0, ['Bw']], [4.0, ['Bw']], [2.0, ['Bw']], [2.0, ['Bw']])
4 ***************************************
(1, [4.806063, ['CV']], [4.806063, ['CV']], [3.193937, ['CV']], [3.193937, ['CV']])
5 ***************************************
(4, [5.903212, ['DQw']], [4.763932, ['DUW']], [5.236068, ['DUW']], [4.096788, ['DQw']])
6 ***************************************
(8, [6.926792, ['ECYW']], [5.8548, ['ECpo']], [6.1452, ['ECpo']], [5.073208, ['ECYW']])
7 ***************************************
(23, [7.939657, ['F?aN_']], [6.797054, ['FCQb_']], [7.202946, ['FCQb_']], [6.060343, ['F?aN_']])
8 ***************************************
(55, [8.948095, ['G?ACNo']], [7.786641, ['G?b@aS']], [8.213359, ['G?b@aS']], [7.051905, ['G?ACNo']])
9 ***************************************
(155, [9.954171, ['H??CCF{']], [8.78153, ['H?AEAIw']], [9.21847, ['H?AEAIw']], [8.045829, ['H??CCF{']])
10 ***************************************
(403, [10.958804, ['I???CA@~_']], [9.778404, ['I??CE@An?']], [10.221596, ['I??CE@An?']], [9.041196, ['I???CA@~_']])

for nn in [11..14]: data=getSplusSminusUnicyclicMaxMin(nn) ng[nn-3]=data[0] spmin[nn-3]=data[2][0] smmin[nn-3]=data[4][0] print nn, "***************************************" print data gspmin=Graph(data[2][1][0]) gsmmin=Graph(data[4][1][0]) show(gspmin) show(gsmmin) 
11 ***************************************
(1116, [11.962479, ['J????A?_N}?']], [10.776269, ['J???CB?OT{?']],
[11.223731, ['J???CB?OT{?']], [10.037521, ['J????A?_N}?']])
12 ***************************************
(3029, [12.965481, ['K??????_C?~{']], [11.774708, ['K????A?oA@Vw']],
[12.225292, ['K????A?oA@Vw']], [11.034519, ['K??????_C?~{']])
13 ***************************************
(8417, [13.967988, ['L???????C?O@~{']], [12.773512, ['L??????_E?GAnw']],
[13.226488, ['L??????_E?GAnw']], [12.032012, ['L???????C?O@~{']])
14 ***************************************
(23285, [14.970118, ['M?????????O?_@~}?']], [13.772564,
['M???????C?W?OAn{?']], [14.227436, ['M???????C?W?OAn{?']], [13.029882,
11 ***************************************
(1116, [11.962479, ['J????A?_N}?']], [10.776269, ['J???CB?OT{?']], [11.223731, ['J???CB?OT{?']], [10.037521, ['J????A?_N}?']])
12 ***************************************
(3029, [12.965481, ['K??????_C?~{']], [11.774708, ['K????A?oA@Vw']], [12.225292, ['K????A?oA@Vw']], [11.034519, ['K??????_C?~{']])
13 ***************************************
(8417, [13.967988, ['L???????C?O@~{']], [12.773512, ['L??????_E?GAnw']], [13.226488, ['L??????_E?GAnw']], [12.032012, ['L???????C?O@~{']])
14 ***************************************
(23285, [14.970118, ['M?????????O?_@~}?']], [13.772564, ['M???????C?W?OAn{?']], [14.227436, ['M???????C?W?OAn{?']], [13.029882, ['M?????????O?_@~}?']])

nn=15 data=getSplusSminusUnicyclicMaxMin(nn) ng[nn-3]=data[0] spmin[nn-3]=data[2][0] smmin[nn-3]=data[4][0] print nn, "***************************************" print data gspmin=Graph(data[2][1][0]) gsmmin=Graph(data[4][1][0]) show(gspmin) show(gsmmin) 
15 ***************************************
(65137, [15.971955, ['N???????????_?_?~~_']], [14.771792,
['N?????????O?o?O@V~?']], [15.228208, ['N?????????O?o?O@V~?']],
[14.028045, ['N???????????_?_?~~_']])
15 ***************************************
(65137, [15.971955, ['N???????????_?_?~~_']], [14.771792, ['N?????????O?o?O@V~?']], [15.228208, ['N?????????O?o?O@V~?']], [14.028045, ['N???????????_?_?~~_']])

nn=16 data=getSplusSminusUnicyclicMaxMin(nn) ng[nn-3]=data[0] spmin[nn-3]=data[2][0] smmin[nn-3]=data[4][0] print nn, "***************************************" print data gspmin=Graph(data[2][1][0]) gsmmin=Graph(data[4][1][0]) show(gspmin) show(gsmmin) 
16 ***************************************
(182211, [16.973558, ['O?????????????_?O?N~{']], [15.771151,
['O???????????_?o?G?T~w']], [16.228849, ['O???????????_?o?G?T~w']],
[15.026442, ['O?????????????_?O?N~{']])
16 ***************************************
(182211, [16.973558, ['O?????????????_?O?N~{']], [15.771151, ['O???????????_?o?G?T~w']], [16.228849, ['O???????????_?o?G?T~w']], [15.026442, ['O?????????????_?O?N~{']])

Data for n=17 and n=18 was not run on the ISU Sage server but is imported here: 
nn=17 data=getSplusSminusUnicyclicMaxMin(nn) ng[nn-3]=data[0] spmin[nn-3]=data[2][0] smmin[nn-3]=data[4][0] print nn, "***************************************" print data 
17 ***************************************
(512625, [17.974971, ['P???????????????O?C?@~~o']], [16.77061,
['P?????????????_?W?A?An~_']], [17.22939, ['P?????????????_?W?A?An~_']],
[16.025029, ['P???????????????O?C?@~~o']])
17 ***************************************
(512625, [17.974971, ['P???????????????O?C?@~~o']], [16.77061, ['P?????????????_?W?A?An~_']], [17.22939, ['P?????????????_?W?A?An~_']], [16.025029, ['P???????????????O?C?@~~o']])
show(Graph('P?????????????_?W?A?An~_')) show(Graph('P???????????????O?C?@~~o')) 

nn=18 data=getSplusSminusUnicyclicMaxMin(nn) ng[nn-3]=data[0] spmin[nn-3]=data[2][0] smmin[nn-3]=data[4][0] print nn, "***************************************" print data 
18 ***************************************
(1444444, [18.976226, ['Q?????????????????C??_?F~~_']], [17.770146,
['Q???????????????O?E??O?I~~?']], [18.229854,
['Q???????????????O?E??O?I~~?']], [17.023774,
18 ***************************************
(1444444, [18.976226, ['Q?????????????????C??_?F~~_']], [17.770146, ['Q???????????????O?E??O?I~~?']], [18.229854, ['Q???????????????O?E??O?I~~?']], [17.023774, ['Q?????????????????C??_?F~~_']])
show(Graph('Q???????????????O?E??O?I~~?')) show(Graph('Q?????????????????C??_?F~~_')) 

# Output Table 4.2, in format sutiable for copy/paste into latex (hence the inclusion of "&") 
print "total graphs &", ng[0], "&", ng[1], "&", ng[2], "&", ng[3], "&", ng[4], "&", ng[5], "&", ng[6],"&", ng[7],"&", ng[8],"&", ng[9], "&", ng[10], "&",ng[11],"&",ng[12],"&",ng[13] "&", ng[14], "&", ng[15] print "min $s^+(G)$ &",spmin[0],"&", spmin[1],"&",spmin[2],"&",spmin[3],"&",spmin[4],"&",spmin[5], "&", spmin[6],"&", spmin[7], "&", spmin[8] , "&",spmin[9],"&",spmin[10],"&", spmin[11],"&",spmin[12],"&",spmin[13],"&",spmin[14],"&",spmin[15] print "min $s^-(G)$ &",smmin[0],"&", smmin[1],"&",smmin[2],"&",smmin[3],"&",smmin[4],"&",smmin[5],"&", smmin[6],"&",smmin[7],"&",smmin[8],"&",smmin[9],"&",smmin[10],"&", smmin[11],"&",smmin[12],"&",smmin[13],"&",smmin[15],"&",smmin[15] 
total graphs & 1 & 1 & 4 & 8 & 23 & 55 & 155
& 403 & 1116 & 3029 & 8417 & 23285 & 65137 &
182211 & 512625 & 1444444
min $s^+(G)$ & 4.0 & 4.806063 & 4.763932 & 5.8548 &
6.797054 & 7.786641 & 8.78153 & 9.778404 & 10.776269
& 11.774708 & 12.773512 & 13.772564 & 14.771792 &
15.771151 & 16.77061 & 17.770146
min $s^-(G)$ & 2.0 & 3.193937 & 4.096788 & 5.073208
& 6.060343 & 7.051905 & 8.045829 & 9.041196 &
10.037521 & 11.034519 & 12.032012 & 13.029882 &
14.028045 & 15.026442 & 16.025029 & 17.023774
total graphs & 1 & 1 & 4 & 8 & 23 & 55 & 155 & 403 & 1116 & 3029 & 8417 & 23285 & 65137 & 182211 & 512625 & 1444444
min $s^+(G)$ & 4.0 & 4.806063 & 4.763932 & 5.8548 & 6.797054 & 7.786641 & 8.78153 & 9.778404 & 10.776269 & 11.774708 & 12.773512 & 13.772564 & 14.771792 & 15.771151 & 16.77061 & 17.770146
min $s^-(G)$ & 2.0 & 3.193937 & 4.096788 & 5.073208 & 6.060343 & 7.051905 & 8.045829 & 9.041196 & 10.037521 & 11.034519 & 12.032012 & 13.029882 & 14.028045 & 15.026442 & 16.025029 & 17.023774