Robust PD for Trees - With Deg 3 Modification

1748 days ago by bjorkman

Beth Bjorkman Iowa State University April 2020 
URL='' files=['Zq_c.pyx','','zero_forcing_64.pyx','zero_forcing_wavefront.pyx','', ''] for f in files: print("Loading %s..."%f); load(URL+f) 
Loading Zq_c.pyx...
Loading zero_forcing_64.pyx...
Loading zero_forcing_wavefront.pyx...
Loading Zq_c.pyx...
Compiling /home/sageuser/2/.sage/temp/
Loading zero_forcing_64.pyx...
Compiling /home/sageuser/2/.sage/temp/
Loading zero_forcing_wavefront.pyx...
Compiling /home/sageuser/2/.sage/temp/
# input: a graph G and a subset of its vertices V # ouput: true/false depending if V is a power dominating set of G def isPowerDominatingSet(G,V): N=[] for i in V: N+=G.neighbors(i) NVert=uniq(N+list(V)) A=zerosgame(G,NVert) if len(A)==G.order(): return True else: return False # input: a graph G # output: the power domination number of G def PowerDomNum(G): V = G.vertices() for i in range(1,len(V)+1): S = subsets(V,i) for s in S: if isPowerDominatingSet(G,s): p=len(s) return p # input: a graph G # output: a power dominating set of G that achieves the power domination number def minPowerDominatingSet(G): V = G.vertices() for i in range(1,len(V)+1): S = subsets(V,i) for s in S: if isPowerDominatingSet(G,s): return s ################################################################################### # input: a graph G # output: a power dominating set of G that achieves the power domination number def FixminPowerDominatingSet(G): V = G.vertices() for i in range(1,len(V)+1): S = subsets(V,i) for s in S: #print s if FixisPowerDominatingSet(G,s): return s # input: a graph G # output: the power domination number of G def FixPowerDomNum(G): V = G.vertices() for i in range(1,len(V)+1): S = subsets(V,i) for s in S: #print s if FixisPowerDominatingSet(G,s): p=len(s) return p # input: a graph G and a subset of its vertices V # ouput: true/false depending if V is a power dominating set of G def FixisPowerDominatingSet(G,V): N=[] for i in V: #print "S=", V N+=G.neighbors(i) NVert=uniq(N+list(V)) #print "N closed neighbors", NVert A=zerosgame(G,NVert) if len(A)==G.order(): return True else: return False 
# input: a graph G, integer k>=0 # output: a k-robust power dominating set of G that achieves the krPDS number def kPowDomSet(G,k): V=G.vertices() #print V powdomnum = FixPowerDomNum(G) uppbound = powdomnum*(k+1) lowbound = k+powdomnum multilist = V*(k+1) #print "lowbound: ", lowbound, " uppbound: ", uppbound for setsize in range(lowbound,uppbound+1): goodpmus=setsize-k #print "goodpmus is", goodpmus PossibleS = list(Subsets(multilist, setsize, submultiset=True)) #all possible multisets for size setsize for S in PossibleS: #print "S is ", S SminusRlist=list(Subsets(S, goodpmus, submultiset=True)) #print "SminusRlist is ", SminusRlist goodsets=0 for SminusR in SminusRlist: if FixisPowerDominatingSet(G,list(uniq(SminusR))): goodsets+=1 if goodsets==len(SminusRlist): #print "got one!" return len(S), S, powdomnum 
# input: a graph G, integer k>=0 # output: a k-robust power dominating set of G that achieves the krPDS number # output: len(S) = size of min k pow dom set, S= min kpow dom set, powdomnum=power domination number # output: if have pow dom num =1 or 2, just gives 0, [], 0 because these always achieve upper bound anyway def BIGkPowDomSet(G,k): V=G.vertices() #print V powdomnum = FixPowerDomNum(G) #print powdomnum if powdomnum>3: #print "woo" uppbound = powdomnum*(k+1) lowbound = k+powdomnum multilist = V*(k+1) #print "lowbound: ", lowbound, " uppbound: ", uppbound for setsize in range(lowbound,uppbound+1): goodpmus=setsize-k #print "goodpmus is", goodpmus PossibleS = list(Subsets(multilist, setsize, submultiset=True)) #all possible multisets for size setsize for S in PossibleS: #print "S is ", S SminusRlist=list(Subsets(S, goodpmus, submultiset=True)) #print "SminusRlist is ", SminusRlist goodsets=0 for SminusR in SminusRlist: if FixisPowerDominatingSet(G,list(uniq(SminusR))): goodsets+=1 if goodsets==len(SminusRlist): #print "got one!" return len(S), S, powdomnum else: return 0,[],0 
################# Function to check graphs given that if maxdeg>=3, kpds can use only deg>=3 vertices # input: a graph G, integer k>=0 # output: a k-robust power dominating set of G that achieves the krPDS number # output: len(S) = size of min k pow dom set, S= min kpow dom set, powdomnum=power domination number # output: if have pow dom num =1 or 2, just gives 0, [], 0 because these always achieve upper bound anyway def DEGkPowDomSet(G,k): V=G.vertices() powdomnum = FixPowerDomNum(G) if powdomnum>3: uppbound = powdomnum*(k+1) lowbound = k+powdomnum highdegvert = [] for vertex in tree.vertices(): if deg>=3: highdegvert.append(vertex) multilist=highdegvert*(k+1) #print "lowbound: ", lowbound, " uppbound: ", uppbound for setsize in range(lowbound,uppbound+1): goodpmus=setsize-k #print "goodpmus is", goodpmus PossibleS = list(Subsets(multilist, setsize, submultiset=True)) #all possible multisets for size setsize for S in PossibleS: #print "S is ", S SminusRlist=list(Subsets(S, goodpmus, submultiset=True)) #print "SminusRlist is ", SminusRlist goodsets=0 for SminusR in SminusRlist: if FixisPowerDominatingSet(G,list(uniq(SminusR))): goodsets+=1 if goodsets==len(SminusRlist): #print "got one!" return len(S), S, powdomnum else: return 0,[],0 
############## RUNNING DEGkPowDomSet on Trees k=1 treesn=list(graphs.trees(n)) for n in range(14,21): print "-------------------------------------" print "Testing trees on ",n," vertices" treesn=list(graphs.trees(n)) print "Number to test:", len(treesn) check=0 for tree in treesn: modby=ceil(len(treesn)*.10) if treesn.index(tree)%modby==0: print treesn.index(tree),"trees checked (",check*10, "%)" check+=1 #print PowerDomNum(tree) #show(tree) #kpowdomnum=0 #kpowdomset=None #powdomnum=0 kpowdomnum,kpowdomset,powdomnum=DEGkPowDomSet(tree,k) uppbound= powdomnum*(k+1) if uppbound !=kpowdomnum: print "Got a tree not achieving the upper bound!" print "vertices:", n print "tree index:", treesn.index(tree) print "k=",k print "power domination number:", powdomnum print "(k+1)sp(T) bound: ", uppbound print "k-rPDS: ", kpowdomnum print "k-rPDS set:", kpowdomset show(tree) #else: # print "Achieves upper bound!" print "DONE" 
Testing trees on  14  vertices
Number to test: 3159
0 trees checked ( 0 %)
Traceback (click to the left of this block for traceback)
Testing trees on  14  vertices
Number to test: 3159
0 trees checked ( 0 %)
Traceback (most recent call last):        print "-------------------------------------"  
  File "", line 1, in <module>
  File "/tmp/tmpM0Wj49/", line 15, in <module>
    if treesn.index(tree)%modby==_sage_const_0 :
  File "/home/sage/build/sage-8.1/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/sage/graphs/", line 511, in __eq__
    for edge in self.edge_iterator(labels=self._weighted))
  File "src/cysignals/signals.pyx", line 251, in cysignals.signals.python_check_interrupt
  File "src/cysignals/signals.pyx", line 94, in cysignals.signals.sig_raise_exception
for n in range(6,15): for k in range(2,11): print "-------------------------------------" print "Testing trees on ",n," vertices for k=", k treesn=list(graphs.trees(n)) print "Number to test:", len(treesn) check=0 for tree in treesn: modby=ceil(len(treesn)*.25) if treesn.index(tree)%modby==0: print treesn.index(tree),"trees checked (",check*25, "%)" check+=1 #print PowerDomNum(tree) #show(tree) #kpowdomnum=0 #kpowdomset=None #powdomnum=0 kpowdomnum,kpowdomset,powdomnum=DEGkPowDomSet(tree,k) uppbound= powdomnum*(k+1) if uppbound !=kpowdomnum: print "Got a tree not achieving the upper bound!" print "vertices:", n print "tree index:", treesn.index(tree) print "k=",k print "power domination number:", powdomnum print "(k+1)sp(T) bound: ", uppbound print "k-rPDS: ", kpowdomnum print "k-rPDS set:", kpowdomset show(tree) break #else: # print "Achieves upper bound!" print "DONE" 
WARNING: Output truncated!  

Testing trees on  6  vertices for k= 2
Number to test: 6
0 trees checked ( 0 %)
2 trees checked ( 25 %)
4 trees checked ( 50 %)
Testing trees on  6  vertices for k= 3
Number to test: 6
0 trees checked ( 0 %)
2 trees checked ( 25 %)
4 trees checked ( 50 %)
Testing trees on  6  vertices for k= 4
Number to test: 6
0 trees checked ( 0 %)
2 trees checked ( 25 %)
4 trees checked ( 50 %)
Testing trees on  6  vertices for k= 5
Number to test: 6
0 trees checked ( 0 %)
2 trees checked ( 25 %)
4 trees checked ( 50 %)
Testing trees on  6  vertices for k= 6
Number to test: 6
0 trees checked ( 0 %)
2 trees checked ( 25 %)
4 trees checked ( 50 %)
Testing trees on  6  vertices for k= 7
Number to test: 6
0 trees checked ( 0 %)
2 trees checked ( 25 %)
4 trees checked ( 50 %)
Testing trees on  6  vertices for k= 8
Number to test: 6
0 trees checked ( 0 %)
2 trees checked ( 25 %)
4 trees checked ( 50 %)
Testing trees on  6  vertices for k= 9
Number to test: 6
0 trees checked ( 0 %)
2 trees checked ( 25 %)
4 trees checked ( 50 %)
Testing trees on  6  vertices for k= 10
Number to test: 6
0 trees checked ( 0 %)
2 trees checked ( 25 %)
4 trees checked ( 50 %)
Testing trees on  7  vertices for k= 2
Number to test: 11
0 trees checked ( 0 %)
3 trees checked ( 25 %)


0 trees checked ( 0 %)
326 trees checked ( 25 %)
652 trees checked ( 50 %)
978 trees checked ( 75 %)
Testing trees on  13  vertices for k= 10
Number to test: 1301
0 trees checked ( 0 %)
326 trees checked ( 25 %)
652 trees checked ( 50 %)
978 trees checked ( 75 %)
Testing trees on  14  vertices for k= 2
Number to test: 3159
0 trees checked ( 0 %)
790 trees checked ( 25 %)
1580 trees checked ( 50 %)
2370 trees checked ( 75 %)
Testing trees on  14  vertices for k= 3
Number to test: 3159
0 trees checked ( 0 %)
790 trees checked ( 25 %)
1580 trees checked ( 50 %)
2370 trees checked ( 75 %)
Testing trees on  14  vertices for k= 4
Number to test: 3159
0 trees checked ( 0 %)
790 trees checked ( 25 %)
1580 trees checked ( 50 %)
2370 trees checked ( 75 %)
Testing trees on  14  vertices for k= 5
Number to test: 3159
0 trees checked ( 0 %)
790 trees checked ( 25 %)
1580 trees checked ( 50 %)
2370 trees checked ( 75 %)
Testing trees on  14  vertices for k= 6
Number to test: 3159
0 trees checked ( 0 %)
790 trees checked ( 25 %)
1580 trees checked ( 50 %)
2370 trees checked ( 75 %)
Testing trees on  14  vertices for k= 7
Number to test: 3159
0 trees checked ( 0 %)
790 trees checked ( 25 %)
1580 trees checked ( 50 %)
2370 trees checked ( 75 %)
Testing trees on  14  vertices for k= 8
Number to test: 3159
0 trees checked ( 0 %)
790 trees checked ( 25 %)
1580 trees checked ( 50 %)
2370 trees checked ( 75 %)
WARNING: Output truncated!  

Testing trees on  6  vertices for k= 2
Number to test: 6
0 trees checked ( 0 %)
2 trees checked ( 25 %)
4 trees checked ( 50 %)
Testing trees on  6  vertices for k= 3
Number to test: 6
0 trees checked ( 0 %)
2 trees checked ( 25 %)
4 trees checked ( 50 %)
Testing trees on  6  vertices for k= 4
Number to test: 6
0 trees checked ( 0 %)
2 trees checked ( 25 %)
4 trees checked ( 50 %)
Testing trees on  6  vertices for k= 5
Number to test: 6
0 trees checked ( 0 %)
2 trees checked ( 25 %)
4 trees checked ( 50 %)
Testing trees on  6  vertices for k= 6
Number to test: 6
0 trees checked ( 0 %)
2 trees checked ( 25 %)
4 trees checked ( 50 %)
Testing trees on  6  vertices for k= 7
Number to test: 6
0 trees checked ( 0 %)
2 trees checked ( 25 %)
4 trees checked ( 50 %)
Testing trees on  6  vertices for k= 8
Number to test: 6
0 trees checked ( 0 %)
2 trees checked ( 25 %)
4 trees checked ( 50 %)
Testing trees on  6  vertices for k= 9
Number to test: 6
0 trees checked ( 0 %)
2 trees checked ( 25 %)
4 trees checked ( 50 %)
Testing trees on  6  vertices for k= 10
Number to test: 6
0 trees checked ( 0 %)
2 trees checked ( 25 %)
4 trees checked ( 50 %)
Testing trees on  7  vertices for k= 2
Number to test: 11
0 trees checked ( 0 %)
3 trees checked ( 25 %)


0 trees checked ( 0 %)
326 trees checked ( 25 %)
652 trees checked ( 50 %)
978 trees checked ( 75 %)
Testing trees on  13  vertices for k= 10
Number to test: 1301
0 trees checked ( 0 %)
326 trees checked ( 25 %)
652 trees checked ( 50 %)
978 trees checked ( 75 %)
Testing trees on  14  vertices for k= 2
Number to test: 3159
0 trees checked ( 0 %)
790 trees checked ( 25 %)
1580 trees checked ( 50 %)
2370 trees checked ( 75 %)
Testing trees on  14  vertices for k= 3
Number to test: 3159
0 trees checked ( 0 %)
790 trees checked ( 25 %)
1580 trees checked ( 50 %)
2370 trees checked ( 75 %)
Testing trees on  14  vertices for k= 4
Number to test: 3159
0 trees checked ( 0 %)
790 trees checked ( 25 %)
1580 trees checked ( 50 %)
2370 trees checked ( 75 %)
Testing trees on  14  vertices for k= 5
Number to test: 3159
0 trees checked ( 0 %)
790 trees checked ( 25 %)
1580 trees checked ( 50 %)
2370 trees checked ( 75 %)
Testing trees on  14  vertices for k= 6
Number to test: 3159
0 trees checked ( 0 %)
790 trees checked ( 25 %)
1580 trees checked ( 50 %)
2370 trees checked ( 75 %)
Testing trees on  14  vertices for k= 7
Number to test: 3159
0 trees checked ( 0 %)
790 trees checked ( 25 %)
1580 trees checked ( 50 %)
2370 trees checked ( 75 %)
Testing trees on  14  vertices for k= 8
Number to test: 3159
0 trees checked ( 0 %)
790 trees checked ( 25 %)
1580 trees checked ( 50 %)
2370 trees checked ( 75 %)
p4=graphs.PathGraph(4) p2=graphs.PathGraph(2) g=p2.strong_product(p4) FixkPowDomSet(g,2) 
Traceback (click to the left of this block for traceback)
NameError: name 'isPowerDominatingSet' is not defined
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
  File "", line 10, in <module>
    exec compile(u'open("","w").write("# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-\\n" + _support_.preparse_worksheet_cell(base64.b64decode("cDQ9Z3JhcGhzLlBhdGhHcmFwaCg0KQppc1Bvd2VyRG9taW5hdGluZ1NldChwNCxbMV0p"),globals())+"\\n"); execfile(os.path.abspath(""))
  File "", line 1, in <module>
  File "/tmp/tmpo_sDYb/", line 4, in <module>
    exec compile(u'isPowerDominatingSet(p4,[_sage_const_1 ])
  File "", line 1, in <module>
NameError: name 'isPowerDominatingSet' is not defined
L=list(graphs.trees(10)) #print(len(L)) for tree in L: maxdeg=max(tree.degree_sequence()) if maxdeg < 3: L.remove(tree) #print(len(L)) for tree in L: highdegvert=[] for vertex in tree.vertices(): if deg>=3: highdegvert.append(vertex) print highdegvert 
WARNING: Output truncated!  

Graph on 10 vertices
Graph on 10 vertices
[3, 7]
Graph on 10 vertices
Graph on 10 vertices
[2, 7]
Graph on 10 vertices
[2, 6]
Graph on 10 vertices
Graph on 10 vertices
[1, 7]
Graph on 10 vertices
[1, 6]
Graph on 10 vertices
[0, 1]
Graph on 10 vertices
Graph on 10 vertices
Graph on 10 vertices
[5, 6]
Graph on 10 vertices
[0, 6]
Graph on 10 vertices
Graph on 10 vertices
Graph on 10 vertices
[0, 5]
Graph on 10 vertices
Graph on 10 vertices
Graph on 10 vertices
Graph on 10 vertices
[1, 2]
Graph on 10 vertices
[2, 7]
Graph on 10 vertices
[2, 6]
Graph on 10 vertices
[0, 2]
Graph on 10 vertices
[2, 6]
Graph on 10 vertices
[1, 2]
Graph on 10 vertices
[1, 2]
Graph on 10 vertices
[1, 2, 7]
Graph on 10 vertices
[1, 2, 6]
Graph on 10 vertices
[0, 1, 2]
Graph on 10 vertices


Graph on 10 vertices
[0, 4]
Graph on 10 vertices
Graph on 10 vertices
Graph on 10 vertices
Graph on 10 vertices
Graph on 10 vertices
[1, 7]
Graph on 10 vertices
[0, 1]
Graph on 10 vertices
[1, 6]
Graph on 10 vertices
[0, 1, 6]
Graph on 10 vertices
[0, 1]
Graph on 10 vertices
[0, 1]
Graph on 10 vertices
[0, 1]
Graph on 10 vertices
[0, 1, 5]
Graph on 10 vertices
[0, 1, 5]
Graph on 10 vertices
[0, 1, 5]
Graph on 10 vertices
[0, 1]
Graph on 10 vertices
[0, 1]
Graph on 10 vertices
[0, 1]
Graph on 10 vertices
[0, 1, 4, 7]
Graph on 10 vertices
[0, 1, 4]
Graph on 10 vertices
[0, 1, 4]
Graph on 10 vertices
[0, 1]
Graph on 10 vertices
[0, 1]
Graph on 10 vertices
[0, 1]
Graph on 10 vertices
[0, 1]
Graph on 10 vertices
Graph on 10 vertices
Graph on 10 vertices
Graph on 10 vertices
Graph on 10 vertices
WARNING: Output truncated!  

Graph on 10 vertices
Graph on 10 vertices
[3, 7]
Graph on 10 vertices
Graph on 10 vertices
[2, 7]
Graph on 10 vertices
[2, 6]
Graph on 10 vertices
Graph on 10 vertices
[1, 7]
Graph on 10 vertices
[1, 6]
Graph on 10 vertices
[0, 1]
Graph on 10 vertices
Graph on 10 vertices
Graph on 10 vertices
[5, 6]
Graph on 10 vertices
[0, 6]
Graph on 10 vertices
Graph on 10 vertices
Graph on 10 vertices
[0, 5]
Graph on 10 vertices
Graph on 10 vertices
Graph on 10 vertices
Graph on 10 vertices
[1, 2]
Graph on 10 vertices
[2, 7]
Graph on 10 vertices
[2, 6]
Graph on 10 vertices
[0, 2]
Graph on 10 vertices
[2, 6]
Graph on 10 vertices
[1, 2]
Graph on 10 vertices
[1, 2]
Graph on 10 vertices
[1, 2, 7]
Graph on 10 vertices
[1, 2, 6]
Graph on 10 vertices
[0, 1, 2]
Graph on 10 vertices


Graph on 10 vertices
[0, 4]
Graph on 10 vertices
Graph on 10 vertices
Graph on 10 vertices
Graph on 10 vertices
Graph on 10 vertices
[1, 7]
Graph on 10 vertices
[0, 1]
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[1, 6]
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[0, 1, 6]
Graph on 10 vertices
[0, 1]
Graph on 10 vertices
[0, 1]
Graph on 10 vertices
[0, 1]
Graph on 10 vertices
[0, 1, 5]
Graph on 10 vertices
[0, 1, 5]
Graph on 10 vertices
[0, 1, 5]
Graph on 10 vertices
[0, 1]
Graph on 10 vertices
[0, 1]
Graph on 10 vertices
[0, 1]
Graph on 10 vertices
[0, 1, 4, 7]
Graph on 10 vertices
[0, 1, 4]
Graph on 10 vertices
[0, 1, 4]
Graph on 10 vertices
[0, 1]
Graph on 10 vertices
[0, 1]
Graph on 10 vertices
[0, 1]
Graph on 10 vertices
[0, 1]
Graph on 10 vertices
Graph on 10 vertices
Graph on 10 vertices
Graph on 10 vertices
Graph on 10 vertices
Traceback (click to the left of this block for traceback)
SyntaxError: invalid syntax
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
  File "", line 10, in <module>
    exec compile(u'open("","w").write("# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-\\n" + _support_.preparse_worksheet_cell(base64.b64decode("KCk+PTM6CiAgICAgICAgICAgIEwuYXBwZW5kKHZlcnRleCkKICAgIHByaW50IGhpZ2hkZWd2ZXJ0"),globals())+"\\n"); execfile(os.path.abspath(""))
  File "", line 1, in <module>
  File "/tmp/tmpMJ3dof/", line 3
    ()>=_sage_const_3 :
SyntaxError: invalid syntax